Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Silent Hill (???????) is a video game exited in 1999 like exclusive right of consul Sony PlayStation produced from Konami. The game, an visual adventure with in third containing person multiple scenes of violence has had various is followed in the time for Playstation 2, Xbox, Game Boy and PC. Soundtrack (one of the points of force of the series) is entrusted to Akira Yamaoka. The horror-psychological weft has represented a innovation in the field of the videogiochi pertaining to the tradition survival-horror, contrapponendo Silent Hill to celebre the Resident Evil, which it is based more than on the exploration and one true and own weft, on the phrenetic action. The element of greater impact is the fact that the player to the end of the game nearly finds itself always to consider the eventuality that the entire adventure is not due to that to the imagination of the main personage. The cinematographic adaptation of the video game in escape in America in you open them 2006 will be directed from Christophe Gans already film director drawn from comic strips like Crying Freeman and there will be numerous references to the first two understood them of the series. Index [ you hide ] 1 Cos' is Silent Hill? 1.1 1,2 city incubus 1,3 the atmosphere 2 Silent Hill (1999) 2,1 Prologo 2,2 2,3 Personages complete Weft 2,4 Notes 3 Comic strips of Silent Hill 3,1 Silent Hill: Dying Inside (2004) 3,2 Silent Hill: Among the Damned (2004) 3,3 Silent Hill: Paint it Black (2005) 4 Inspiration and references 5 external Connections [ modification ] Cos' is Silent Hill? Harry, its moglie and Cheryl[modifica ] the city Silent Hill is one laughing holiday locality American. He rises in river to the Toluca lago and is uniform in various areas between which the ancient part of the city and that residential one. The city accommodates a police station, a center for orphaned children, more than a hospital and all comfort for the tourists (the storees, lodges, centers trades them, parks, bowling, etc). In little but they know that under the ground an enormous abandoned penitentiary extends and that some hospitals have been constructed because of some epidemics that had decimated in passed the local population. The same city then has been constructed on a sacred zone for the antichi inhabitants of the zone, which came called "Hill of the Silent Spirits" and later on abandoned for disowned reasons, still before the come one of the coloni. [ modification ] the incubus the mattoni on which Silent Hill is founded unexpectedly transforms in grondanti rusty grates every blood which time a restless mind penetrates in the meandri of the own existence. Silent Hill seems put molding on in order to reflect that that is hidden within the visitor, one risen of purgatorio in a position to redimere the sinners. To Silent Hill the fog reigns constantly and every so often rain and snow are pulled down on the houses, also outside season. And anyone to you is found caught will have one single choice: to face the own demons or to die. [ modification ] the atmosphere the player is found endured since completely to only ramble through the ways of the city. The wrapping fog not ago that to multiply the effect of total isolation and music, than varied from it complains of violini and pianoforte to brani rock, in some way it makes to fall in one be of absolute melancholy. This type of not conventional psychological strategy of incutere terror through canoni (through frights or a high rate graphical violence) has not made yes that formations of fan opened innumerevoli forum of argument in Internet in order to speak merely about the own experience from a psychological point of view, and in order not to exchange only ideas on as proceeding in the game. [ modification ] Silent Hill (1999) Formed: Sony Playstation [ modification ] Prologo Attention: this section reveals -- in all or part -- the weft of the work. Harry Mason organizes a period of vacation in the citizen of Silent Hill with its only Cheryl daughter, that he had found with its moglie just in this locality seven years before. But just before reaching Silent Hill an incident (girl ends road in the attempt outside to avoid one in the middle of the street) ago to lose the senses. Once ripresosi from the trauma one notices that its daughter is passing and a driven in fog seems to hide the inhabitants of Silent Hill. [ modification ] Personages Harry Mason - protagonist of the game, is in tries of its daughter Cheryl Cheryl Mason - found child seven years before from Harry. Scompare to Silent Hill. Cybil Benett - policeman that helps Harry to try Cheryl Lisa Garland - nurse that helps Harry in the Dottor search Michael Kaufmann - a doctor of the hospital of Silent Hill, legacy to Lisa Garland Alessa Gillespie - daughter of Dahlia Gillespie, ustionata and ricoverata in passed to the hospital of Silent Hill Dahlia Gillespie - antiquarianism, head of a religious schism of Silent Hill Samael - incarnated demon, half for the attainment of the prefixed scopes from the schism of Dahlia [ modification ] complete Weft Cheryl is passing and Harry finds again itself to ramble for the roads of Silent Hill finchè, after to have lost the senses of infernal forehead to some monster, risveglia in a bar a policeman meets who works next in the city, Cybil Benett, that she decides to help it in the search. All the roads in order to exit from the city are blocked for via of an earthquake that it has made to sink entire isolates to you. Very soon Harry becomes account that the past of Cheryl closely is connected to that it is happening to the city. A strange woman of name Dahlia Gillespie reveals it that an entity malvagia is to the ribs of its daughter and is up to Harry to find the way to catch up it before that it is too much late. To this purpose manufatto in a position to stopping the being immondo (the Flauros passes to the man). In the meantime various Harry it loses acquaintance times and risveglia always in a Silent various Hill, where the roads are rusty bridges suspended in the empty one and deformed beings that attack whichever thing move. Caught up the Alchemilla hospital Lisa Garland, a nurse of the hospital meets that made heavy drug use, the drugs gliele supplied Dr. Kaufmann. Lisa appears a po strange to the eyes of Harry when in the course of the history it begins to say phrases without sense and to lose blood in mysterious circumstances. The woman in fact, after to have uncovered and tried what they had made to Alessa, had threatened to tell the verita one to the autorita one and was killed from Kaufmann, and 7 years after, the woman who meets itself is not other that the realization of the only person that them had been near in that hell, in the hospital room. Lisa was the nurse who attended to the daughter of Dahlia Gillespie, Alessa. Alessa had been conceived in mysterious circumstances, perhaps because of the religious rituals that its mother made, in fact Alessa had of the powers and could make to only happen any thing with the force of the thought. Alessa was covered of ustioni (burnt lives from its mother in the own house for sacrifice to God) and in preda in inexpressibile pains it succeeded while still alive to maintain however thanks to the child who carried in grembo, that then she would have become according to the cult, the daughter of God. After the nth encounter with Dahlia and several other adventures, Harry discovers finally that the entity that chases Cheryl is Alessa Gillespie. In the attempt to resume the control of the situation Harry he catches Alessa with the manufatto one donatagli from Dahlia, flauros the cage of the pain that intrppola Alessa in its same world, and loses for the ennesima turns the senses. From in then Harry he understands here to have been tricked from Dahlia. and that all the persons who have met to SILENT HILL made part of a schism and that Dahlia was the head of this religious schism that in past it tried of ingravidare Alessa with the seed of the evil in order to destroy the world and to reconstruct it from zero for being able to recreate of one new, without pain, disease, practical sadness etc in a new land paradise. But Alessa, after is rebelled, give birth Cheryl (half of its spirit) and made so that at least it went away from Silent Hill in order to block the plans of its mother. With the return of the child in city but Alessa and Cheryl newly only entity in a position to generating Samael, the demon of the destruction has been melted in one. But thanks to a mysterious liquid used for the rituals of Dahlia (the aglophotis, a heavy drug that Dr. Kaufmann sold the tourists, obtained from a plant of called place WHITE CLAUDIA) uncovered little time before in its study, Harry succeeds to block the process and to scappare newly with its daughter (under shape of baby) from Silent Hill, baby who then will call Heather reincarnation of Alessa in SILENT HILL 3 for Play Station 2. [ modification ] Notes Seems that one first version of the game was structured so that the player could take the cloth also of Cybil Benett. The game has been censured in more points for the European market. As an example some monster in the elementary school has been replaced. The game has five ends After to have concluded the game, in the introductory filmato one in place of the moglie of Harry, Cybil appears. Of Silent Hill they have been distributed in Italy little copies. When the game has been transformed in cult has been nearly impossible to find a copy of the game, if not through Internet. After the end of the game and the titles them of tail they have been inserted the "errors on the set" of the personages, like for films. [ modification ] Comic strips of Silent Hill One series of comic strips written from Scott Ciencin with the designs Very Templesmith, Aadi Salman and Shaun Thomas publishes to you from the IDW Publishing. Dying Inside[modifica ] Silent Hill: Dying Inside (2004) Realized like a corpus of five history, the first two centralized on the relation between a doctor and just the patient, while last the three narrate the vicissitudes of some children. [ modification ] Silent Hill: Among the Damned (the 2004) history of a soldier depressed for being one of the little to being survivor to the war. [ modification ] Silent Hill: Paint it Black (a 2005) artist in tries of inspiration for its last job comes sucked in the truth of Silent Hill. [ modification ] Inspiration and references the film Hallucination Perversa (Jacob' s ladder) has been the greater inspiration for the video game: the film is loaded with the same atmosphere and speaks about a man who same sentence if to suffer incredible suffering condemning itself to an eternal purgatorio. The monster of Silent Hill 3 (especially Valtiel) directly seems features from the film for via of their movements convulsi. Moreover there are other references in the names of the ways (Bergen Street). Many ways of Silent Hill rifare writers and famous directors much. The acclimatization of absolute abandonment seems to be draft from Phantoms a book of Dean Koontz - one via of Silent Hill is Koontz' s Street. As far as the local exteriors and the inner ones of the part of the inspiration it is sure from searching in the series Twin Peaks. All the names of the doors use you in the first Silent Hill (Phaleg, Ophiel, etc) are names of angels. The same Samael, the final demon drift from a religious mythology, therefore like Metatron. The wheelchairs are one of the recurrent images of the series, one sure were used from Alessa Gillespie after to be survivor to the fire of the own house. The chair becomes therefore a symbol. In Silent Hill 3 the scene of a wheelchair illuminated from a light soffusa has been inspired from the film Session 9. [ modification ] external Connections


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